Matching is best. There are a couple of new products out that allow you to custom mix the shade you need. You could also try blending a couple of different shades wo get a better match.When buying foundation, do you get a color slightly darker or lighter than your skin tone?
For foundation I woiuld get a shade lighter if you absolutely positively couldn't find your match. Then I would buy a good bronzer and add a little more color where I would need it.
Get a slightly darker shade, but just make sure to blend it well.
you should probably find another store or tone to be exact or it won't work
hope this helps
slightly lighter. that will make your face shine :-) Then you can use blush on your cheeks that is darker and create dimension in your face.
I would probably go with darker because lighter would make your face look weird and ghost-like or something. Maybe you could buy both and mix them together..
I would go to lighter. Your foundation should match the color of your skin on your neck and the skin on your neck is generally lighter. If you get your foundation too dark you can look like you're wearing a mask.
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